Pink 7-heart necklace with cloth hearts from Mexico Pinknecklace7hrtsclose1web.jpg

Pink 7-heart necklace with cloth hearts from Mexico

Purple, red, and orange 7-heart necklace with Mexican hearts Purp&orgnecklace7hrtsclose2web.jpg

Purple, red, and orange 7-heart necklace with Mexican hearts

Blue and green 3-heart wood and cloth heart necklace Blu&grn3hrtnecklaceclose1aweb.jpg

Blue and green 3-heart wood and cloth heart necklace

Pink heart earrings beadedpinkearrbacksm.jpg

Pink heart earrings

Red heart earrings beadedredearrbacksm.jpg

Red heart earrings

Pink 5-heart necklace with wooden, glass, and cloth hearts Pink5hrtwood gls clothneckclose2web.jpg

Pink 5-heart necklace with wooden, glass, and cloth hearts

Blue carved wood, glass, and felt 3-heart necklace Blu 3pc neck blu flowers closure2web.jpg

Blue carved wood, glass, and felt 3-heart necklace

Skull earrings with blue and yellow beads

Skull earrings with blue and yellow beads

Orange skull necklace orangeskullcloseweb.jpg

Orange skull necklace

Skull earrings with iridescent beads

Skull earrings with iridescent beads

Skull earrings with flowers #1

Skull earrings with flowers #1

Blue skull necklace Blueskulcloseweb.jpg

Blue skull necklace

Skull earrings with black beads, pink flower

Skull earrings with black beads, pink flower

Pink skull necklace pinkskulcloseweb.jpg

Pink skull necklace

Skull earrings red & yellow beads

Skull earrings red & yellow beads

White skull necklace whiteskullneckback.jpg

White skull necklace
