Ornate Nebaj huipil on light green ground

Ornate Nebaj huipil on light green ground


This beautiful Nebaj huipil has a geometric design embellished with stylized animals covering the front and back of the garment above the light green plain woven ground. The animals are outlined in white to differentiate them from the rest of the patterned area. This is a very ornate weave! The chain stitch embroidery around the neck is in perfect condition and the only damage to the huipile is a snap pulled away from the piece of white fabric that holds it to the neckline but does not damage the huipil itself. This huipile is most interesting because of its careful use of scarce fabric. Several horizontal sections of fabric the width of the huipile are pieced together and the piecing is nearly invisible within the design. Very skilled weaver and seamstress. There are vertically - striped bands of fabric on each side of the huipile. 34”W X 24”L.

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